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莱佛士大学的课程符合马来西亚资格框架 (MQF)的要求。莱佛士大学毕业生指的是成功完成莱佛士大学课程的学生,他们的学习成果达到要求,并且按照MQF规定的学分和学习时数完成课程,且获得莱佛士大学学术委员会的批准。


Student Affairs and Services (SAS)

WhatsApp : 012-721 5898 & 017-710 4868
Public Team: [Click here]





The RU Graduates are defined as RU students who have successfully completed and passed their studies and are approved by RU Senate in the below semesters.

[Graduates 2025]  Semester May 2024, Sept 2024 and Jan 2025


RU SAS will release an online form for eligible graduates to prepare for the convocation book. The form must be completed by every graduate.

Graduates can choose to:

  • Attend a scheduled photoshoot session

RU SAS will release several circulars regarding:

  • Collection of Graduation Photos 
  • Alumni Registration
  • Tracer Study
  • Survey on attendance at Convocation

The responses to these circulars will assist RU in planning the convocation.


SAS will then release confirmation of attendance via a circular. In the circular, the graduates will

  • Confirm their attendance to convocation
  • Identify the 2 guests that are included in the convocation fee
  • Confirm the size and colour of convocation attire
  • Submit email for waiting list for additional guest
  • Identify the cost for convocation 

In Circular 3, the graduates will receive information such as

  • Payment due date
  • Rehearsal Details
  • Convocation guidebook that includes itinerary, map etc

Rehearsal will be conducted 1 week before the Convocation Day. It is compulsory for all RU graduates. In the rehearsal, you will

  • Identify the procedure of convocation
  • Receive convocation attire (pay RM200 cash as a refundable deposit)

On this day, you will

  • Wear proper attire
  • Register at the counter to confirm your attendance
  • Receive RU Scroll Holder & Graduation Booklet
  • Photoshoot on stage (included in the convocation pack)
  • A big group photo with RU academics and RU graduates
  • Enjoy light refreshment
  • Take photography with your friends and family with the RU backdrop
  • A professional photography studio is available ( 3rd party source – NOT included in the convocation pack)

RU graduates should return the convocation attire to Raffles University in 2 weeks after convocation. SAS will also make announcement on the date of collection of convocation pack / graduation pack.


 The attire for all graduates during RU Convocation Ceremony must be neat and appropriate for the ceremony.



1. Diploma

Robe without ‘Mortarboard’

2. Bachelor Degree

Robe with ‘Mortarboard’

3. Master Degree

Robe with ‘Mortarboard’

FacultyStripe Colour on Sleeves
[BUS] Faculty of BusinessMaroon
[ADE] Faculty of Arts & DesignGreen
[ESS] Faculty of Social SciencesLight Blue
[AIR] Faculty of AI & RoboticsDark Blue
[BUI] Faculty of Built Environment & Regenerative DesignDark Violet

Attire and appearance for Male Graduates;

a) Formal attire with long-sleeved collared shirt and tie.
b) Dark coloured lounge suit.
c) Traditional Attire.
d) Dark coloured socks and dark coloured formal shoe.

Attire and appearance for Female Graduates;

a) Long sleeves blouse / shirt.
b) Dress or skirt below the knee length.
c) Long pants.
d) Traditional Attire.
e) Dark coloured court shoes, fully covered shoes which are suitable for a formal ceremony.
f) Hair or headscarf must be neat and tidy.

1. Guests and parents are kindly requested to dress formally for the Convocation Ceremony.

2. Traditional dresses, long sleeved batik & formal attire with appropriate footwear are acceptable.

3. Shorts, T-shirts, jeans, Bermuda’s slippers, sandals and inappropriate dressing and footwear are strictly prohibited.

a) Wear sleeveless or low-cut tops / dresses, sleeveless shirts.
b) Wear transparent/translucent or improper clothes.
c) Wear sandals, sport shoes or any kind of shoes that is not fully covered.
d) Wear clothes that cover the face.
e) Wear jeans or T-Shirt.
f) Casual shorts or pants, jeans, tights and leggings, t-shirt, sports shoes, flip flops sandals and slippers are strictly not allowed.


All Graduates who are attending the RU Convocation are required to pay the Convocation Fee and Convocation Attire Deposit fees as per stipulated by the University. Graduates who are not attending the ceremony are required to pay the Graduation Fee. See the details of the convocation pack and graduation pack below:


Attending Convocation

If Graduation Fee Pack is collected before

*RM200 cash is required as a refundable deposit for convocation attire rental during rehearsal

Convocation Fee Pack
One [1] Invitation for student
and Two [2] Invitation for parents/guests
Inclusive of refreshments provided after the ceremony (if applicable)
Rental of Convocation Attire
Digital Certificate in [.openCert] format
Academic Transcript
One [1] Scroll Holder
One [1] Graduation Booklet
One [1] Group Photo and
One [1] Stage Photo [8” x 10”] or One [1] Stage Photo [5” x 7”]


Not Attending Convocation but will collect the Graduation Fee Pack

*Rental of Convocation Attire is available. Please contact SAS.

Graduation Fee Pack
Digital Certificate in [.openCert] format
Academic Transcript
One [1] Scroll Holder


SAS will announce to Graduates the date of collection of the Convocation Pack / Graduation Pack when they return the Convocation attire.

Collect at SAS Counter

  • The receipt for the return of Convocation attire.
  • A hardcopy confirmation of completion of the graduate’s Tracer study.
  • A copy of the receipt of Convocation fee [if required

A representative may collect a graduate’s Diploma, Bachelor/Master Degree Scroll at the SAS counter on presentation of the following documents: 

  1. “Letter of Authorisation – Collection of Transcript or Certificate” for a representative to collect the Diploma, Bachelor/Master Degree Scroll on behalf the graduate’s if required. 
  2. A copy of Graduate’s MyKad / Passport. 
  3. A copy of representative’s MyKad / Passport. 
  4. The receipt for the return of Convocation attire. 
  5. A hardcopy confirmation of completion of the graduate’s Tracer study. 
  6. A copy of the receipt of Convocation fee [if required]. 

A Graduation Scroll will be posted provided the following conditions are met: 

  1. Complete “Letter of Authorisation – Delivery of Transcript or Certificate” 
  2. The permission to post Graduation Scroll form must be informed and submitted to SAS at least one [1] week after the Convocation ceremony. 
    1. Postal charges of RM25.00 [local] will be borne by the graduate. Payment must be made to facilitate the process. 
    2. Overseas postal charges will depend on the prevailing postal rate and material costs etc.
    3. **Student are advised to use “Reverse charge pickup/collect courier” to expedite the delivery. 
  3. Submit the confirmation of completion of the graduate’s Tracer study. 

The University is not responsible for any loss, damage or destroyed scroll or certificate en-route to the provided address. 

A Diploma, Bachelor/Master Degree Scroll will not be released to a graduate if they have not completed and/or have any of the following outstanding; 

  1. Convocation fee or Graduation fee, 
  2. Arrears in any kind of fees or charges, 
  3. Library books are not returned, 
  4. Any items or equipment borrowed from any division of the University are not returned, 
  5. Did not submit hardcopy proof of the IPT graduate’s Tracer study survey. 
  6. Graduation Attire is not returned. 


Raffles University launched the blockchain certificate in 2021. Graduates will no longer receive hard copy certificates. Instead, they will be given a .opencert file and a link to Accredify. Activation of the link will display digital versions of their certificate. 



  1. Graduates must be free from any debts.
  2. Graduates must complete Graduate Tracer Study.

Only 2 persons are allowed to attend the convocation ceremony with the following requirements:

    1. 18 years old and above
    2. Dress appropriately according to the dress code.

Read the next Q&A for Additional Guest / Visitor.

Raffles University defines a guest as the guest who will enter the auditorium to watch the convocation proceeding. Hence, the seats and light snacks will be prepared for the guests invited. The RM300 or RM220 Convocation Fee has included 2 guest seats.

For any additional guest, the fee will be RM150. However, due to the limited of seats in the 2022 convocation, the additional guest is not available for now. The RU Graduates can list their email in the circular 2 surveys to queue on the waiting list. A further announcement will be released if there are extra seats for additional guests.

A visitor is defined as a visitor who is coming to RAS to meet up with the graduates. The visitor will not be allowed to enter the auditorium to watch the convocation proceeding. Hence, no ticket fee is needed for visitors.

However, the visitors are allowed to take photography with the RU graduates outside of the auditorium.

Children below the age of twelve [12] are not permitted in the Convocation hall.

Graduates may need to collect from SAS between 18th to 24th June 2022 from 9 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. (by appointment only). A representative with an authorization letter and a copy of the representative’s IC/passport may allowed to collect the convocation attire.

Outstanding payments to the University (tuition fees, resource fines, etc.) must be paid prior to your Convocation Ceremony, otherwise, your credential will be withheld until all outstanding fees are paid. 


No, all physical contact with the Vice Chancellor or the VIPs is STRICTLY PROHIBITED before or/and after conferment of academic scroll.

Yes! Flower bouquets and any type of gifts are are allowed to bring to the Convocation Hall throughout the Convocation Ceremony. 

Graduates are not allowed to take photos inside the auditorium after the Academic Convocation Ceremony ended. However, the visitors are allowed to take photography with the RU graduates outside of the auditorium.

No, graduates and their family members are not allowed to attend the Academic Convocation Ceremony should they have any of the COVID-19 symptom.

Any RU Staff that is on duty during the convocation