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Sustainable Campus

Sustainable Campus Exhibition: Showcasing Innovative Projects

The Sustainable Campus Exhibition, where students collaborated to design and propose sustainable solutions aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), was held in Week 12 of the semester. The exhibition served as a platform for students to present their innovative ideas, receive feedback, and celebrate their contributions to a more sustainable future. 

One of the standout projects, developed by degree students from the 心理学学士(荣誉学位) and 商业学学士(会计)(荣誉学位), addressed SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy. They designed a plan that included proposals for renewable energy sources and energy-efficient technologies within the campus. Their exhibition featured interactive multimedia presentations and prototypes of energy-saving devices, showcasing their innovative approaches to enhancing energy accessibility and efficiency. 

Another notable project, created by degree students from the 计算机科学学士(荣誉学位)数据科学 and 信息系统学士(荣誉学位)人工智能 programmes, tackled 可持续发展目标 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. This project addressed a pressing campus safety issue concerning inadequate fencing around the campus. Through thorough investigation and research, the students proposed improvements to the infrastructure that not only enhance safety but also promote well-being, aligning with 可持续发展目标 3: Good Health and Well-being. Their innovative solutions included the design of higher, more secure fences and the integration of stress-reducing features in the campus environment. Their exhibition space featured detailed reports, scale models of proposed infrastructure enhancements, and multimedia presentations demonstrating the impact of their solutions on student safety and well-being. 

The Sustainable Campus Exhibition was a showcase of student projects; each exhibition space was designed to facilitate interaction and engagement, allowing visitors to delve into the key aspects of the solutions presented. By focusing on sustainable energy solutions and infrastructure improvements, the students demonstrated how creative thinking and collaborative efforts can lead to meaningful progress towards achieving the 可持续发展目标. We are immensely proud of their achievements and look forward to seeing how their ideas will inspire further advancements in sustainability within our campus and beyond.